Hinkley Point C



We utilised XGSLab to directly model the high frequency performance of the earth electrode under a number of lightning strike scenarios in order to verify compliance with project requirements and national standards, particularly BS EN 62305 at Hinkley Point C.

Lightning Study

As part of works at Hinkley Point C, performing the lightning attachment study using XGSLab XGSA_FD enabled the constructor to validate the safety performance of the lightning design at one of the ancillary buildings where foot traffic was projected to be relatively high. 

Owing to site requirements, an unconventional solution was proposed for the buried type B ring electrode – using a geotextile to retain a granular backfill within a wider mass of crushed rock, which meant that the simulation had to account for the  impact on soil resistivity and resulting EPR as a consequence of using the membrane.


After completing the modelling exercise, we were able to give the client the peace of mind that the geotextile did not adversely affect the safety of the lightning protection design saving costly remedials and avoiding delays.

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